Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bengbu Orphanage - The children

After all the preparations, after 17 hours in the air, after all the hotels, all the trains, all the donations, all the lunches, all the speeches, all the letters.....

I finally saw the children.

It's such a bittersweet experience.  I loathe the fact that they are summoned for my brief encounter with my camera in hand.  They are not soulless creatures that are to be catered out for my amusement.  I look at them with my heart aching and while I smile and cry (every time). They look on with confusion as the nannies, trying to be courteous to me, usher the children forward to say hello.  In a few minutes I will be out of their lives again, and they will be dazed and confused as to this strange man that interrupted their peaceful routine.  How would I like it if someone burst into my office and demand to sit with me and take a bunch of photos??

I look at them, and want to take them all home.  They are all so beautiful and so cute.  I look deep into their eyes, and want to take photos of them, and I know that their parents are right now out there somewhere, aching to feel their touch, grasping in the darkness screaming out for them.  I know the feeling.  I was there once. 

But there was at least one little one that I took a lot of photos with, which I can post here. 

Would you like to be the parents of this girl? So Sorry!  She is already taken!  Soon she will be with her forever family.  She is just adorable, and likes very much to draw and to listen to music.  

These happy children look on at me while we chat with their friends.

The children are why we do this.  The children inspire us.  Thanks to all the donors, and all the volunteers and the orphanage staff that make this all possible. 

They are the priceless treasures that worth it all. 

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